Blanket care

7 Tips for Custom Removable Insulation Blanket Care

SUM Ltd is proud of the performance and durability of our custom removable insulation blankets. Consistent and deliberate blanket care will extend the life of your insulation blankets significantly. Our blankets are custom-made to fit your instruments precisely and made to withstand wet or dry conditions. Our insulation blanket solutions provide excellent resistance to extreme weather conditions and assist with heat conservationsound insulation and help protect your employees from instrument and equipment dangers.  

We additionally pride ourselves on the fact that our insulation solutions are not only built to do their job – and do it well – but also assist you in recouping the insulation costs in an expedited manner through:  

  1. Reduction of lost energy from extreme temperatures reducing the energy needed to maintain consistent temperature of the application. Reducing energy saves your business money immediately and consistently over time.  
  1. Our custom removable insulation blankets are built to be removed in a fraction of the time when compared to other insulation types—without the need for tools. Maintenance for these custom insulation blanket solutions is quick and simple. Our custom removable insulation blankets can be designed and manufactured for any equipment you may need insulated. 
  1. The costs involved in replacing other types of insulation – wages and material costs – once removed. 
  1. They are built to last. 

We craft our solutions to last (check out our blog on life-expectancy of removable insulation blankets), but you can do a few simple things to ensure they last even longer. We have highlighted seven simple care instructions to keep your insulation blankets performing at their best to ensure what lies underneath is also performing at its best for an extended time. 

1. Be careful not to cut or damage the outer protective cover fabrics 

Maintaining the integrity of the outer surface of your insulation blanket is paramount to its overall usefulness in its purpose. External blanket care ensuring it remains puncture and cut-free prevents environmental nuisances – moisture, heat, chemicals, oils, etc. – saturating into the multiple levels of protection materials of your blankets.  

2. Ensure blankets are correctly installed and properly oriented each time 

Properly fitting each install is the simplest method to ensure blanket care is optimized. The installer needs to ensure flaps fully cover any/all space between blankets. A snug fit prevents condensation and protects your team and your equipment. Although the design of the blankets would make this close to impossible but the act of ensuring blankets are orientated facing the correct way during installation is also key.  

3. Do not use force when installing 

In addition to orientation and proper fitting, it is equally important to avoid excessive force when installing your insulation blankets. The blankets are designed to fit snugly to the equipment beneath and to other blankets. Firm tight fitting is key but do not force them into place. You may accidentally damage the blankets.  

4. Keep track of and/or document blankets when uninstalling 

Like other assets within your organization, it is important to track your blankets and store them in a documented location during maintenance. On all blankets SUM Ltd produces, we include convenient tags to communicate details of use. Should you inadvertently mix something up, use the tag to identify the location and type of instrument it is covering. 

5. Blankets should be stored in clean dry areas  

Ensuring the proper documentation of your blankets after uninstalling them is key. But the physical location of storage is also important. As part of your blanket care routine, ensure storage of blankets is always in a clean, dry location. You would not want foreign elements on your critical equipment and instruments, and as such, you do not want same elements to come into contact with the blankets you use to protect them.  

6. Avoid moisture and clean off all spills promptly 

If your insulation blankets get wet or spilled on, clean them immediately. The surface areas are built to resist environment and spills. However, if water spills occur and subsequently penetrate the seams, it could cause the blankets to be less effective. Oil or chemical spills can damage the exterior and potentially get inside the blankets again having a negative impact on the integrity of the blanket, potentially destroying it. This can, in turn, put your instruments underneath at risk.  

7. Inspect them regularly 

Lastly, your blanket care routine needs to also include a regular cadence of inspection when in use and when in storage. Accidents happen. Routinely monitor the integrity of your blankets. One core advantage of tool-less insulation blankets is the ability to remove and re-install swiftly to check your equipment underneath. While inspecting your assets, include a visual scan of your blankets.  


The blanket solution SUM Ltd provides to you protects your equipment and instrumentation investments. As you see above, following these simple blanket care tips will easily extend the life of your investment. If you have any further questions about custom removable insulation or blanket care, contact us today!